Tamakkan, an initiative aimed at supporting young Emirati entrepreneurs who need industry insight to achieve their business dreams, has been launched by BrandMoxie, a marketing company in the UAE.
Abu Dhabi: Tamakkan, an initiative aimed at supporting young Emirati entrepreneurs who need industry insight to achieve their business dreams, has been launched by BrandMoxie, a marketing company in the UAE.
BrandMoxie has set up Tamakkan to nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship and provide an informal environment for the development of knowledge sharing and the spirit of mentorship.
Sana Bagersh, CEO of BrandMoxie said: “The idea is that through Tamakkan industry professionals would be able to give back to the country, and the community, by helping to nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs.
“We hope to create a vibrant monthly platform of discussion, in the form of a free two-hour seminar, open to those young entrepreneurs who want to attend an informative session presented by a professional, or expert, on a key topic in business.”
In June BrandMoxie received the Tamayyuz Partnership Award in recognition of its support to activities at Higher Colleges of Technology’s Abu Dhabi Women’s College.
Bagersh explained that Tamakkan will aim to provide high-calibre seminars given by practicing professionals. The focus would be on the transfer of practical skills and information.
“These would include short seminars on marketing such as branding, positioning, merchandising, franchising etc, and business topics such as the fundamentals of how to set up a business.”
Tamakkan is intended to facilitate contributions by the business sector, and welcomes the participation of companies and individuals who can lend their support by giving their time or assistance in kind.
Bagersh said: “We are already a team of industry professionals. We call upon other professionals to come forward and join the volunteer team of presenters and welcome the support of companies who may want to participate.”
On what encouraged BrandMoxie to launch the initiative, Bagersh said: “What has encouraged us to do more is our surprise at the high calibre of work performed by university interns. These students have built up the skills and are passionate, but they lack the ‘street smartness’ and the understanding of the broad work context.
Link: http://gulfnews.com/business/sectors/general/tamakkan-to-nurture-entrepreneurship-1.502668